Solved - Qxcbconnection: Could Not Connect To Display wkhtmltopdf on ubuntu - How To Fix it?
Hello Devs.
Today, we will solve an error “Qxcbconnection: Could Not Connect To Display wkhtmltopdf” on ubuntu. You need to just install the xvfb from apt to solve this error. You can run xvfb-run wkhtmltopdf
Install wkhtmltopdf
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf
Generate PDF from URL
After installing wkhtmltopdf on ubuntu, you can generate pdf file from url with following command.
wkhtmltopdf google.pdf
Got an error?
But if you face an error like this
qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
Could not connect to any X display.
You can easily resolve this error by just installing xvfb by following the command. it's good solution for qxcbconnection: could not connect to display.
Step 1: Install xvfb to fix above error
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xvfb
After install xvfb you can generate pdf files from url without any error with the following command.
Step 2: Generate PDF using xvfb
xvfb-run wkhtmltopdf google.pdf
Now it should generate PDF file from url using above mentioned command. You can make the command more simple by creating an alias for xvfb-run. Just run the following command to make alias.
Step 3: Make Alias for xvfb-run
alias wkhtmltopdf='xvfb-run wkhtmltopdf'
Now you can simply run this following command to generate PDF file from URL.
wkhtmltopdf google.pdf
I hope, it will be helpful to solve your error.
Happy Coding :)